Periodontal Care

Periodontitis- also known as gum disease- affects millions of Americans yearly. Thankfully, this infection is both curable and entirely preventable. At Thousand Oaks Dental, we offer advanced periodontal care in San Antonio, Texas. After all, we spare no expense on our office, treatments, tools, and staff. Dr. Precious Thompson and our team dedicate their lives, time, and energy to helping everyone feel their absolute best. 


What is Periodontal Care?

Periodontal care is the treatment for periodontitis- also known as gum disease. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss, inflamed gums, and uncontrollable bleeding if left unchecked. All stages of gum disease- including gingivitis and bone decay- are preventable and treatable. Depending on the gum disease’s severity, we have both non-surgical and surgical treatments available. Scaling, root planing, flap surgery, and bone grafting give everyone’s gums a second chance. 


Who Needs Periodontal Care?

Gum disease has become more common in the past few years. Symptoms often include bleeding, bad breath, swollen gums, shrinking gums, loose teeth, ulcers, or lumps inside the mouth. If you need clarification on whether you have gum disease, don’t wait! We’re here to help. Our team will examine, diagnose, and treat everything to the best of their ability. 


What Periodontal Care Treatments do we Offer?

Your health is important to us. That’s why we offer an extensive catalog of potential treatments and procedures: 

  • Gum Examination. First, we’ll go over your gums. We’ll go over your past dental history and identify any gum infections. We’ll review all available treatments and their pros and cons. Feel free to ask questions; we’re here to help you learn, heal, and feel better. 
  • Scaling or Root Planning. Scaling and root planning get to the “root” cause. Built-up plaque and debris are significant causes of gum disease. As part of this process, we’ll remove plaque around, over, and underneath the gumline. 
  • Flap Surgery. We lift up your gums with flap surgery to directly treat the infection. 
  • Bone Grafting. A bone graft provides a firm, new, regenerative structure that helps your mouth heal. Grafts are necessary when the infection has reached and decayed the bone. Unless we replace the destroyed bone, your teeth will lack structure, and your gums won’t heal. 


Benefits of Periodontal Care

There are many advantages and benefits of periodontal care: 

  • Fresh Breath. Don’t sabotage your social standing with bad breath. After all, nobody likes foul breath. Be considerate of others, and keep your breath fresh. 
  • Pain Relief. Periodontal care offers a soothing answer for gum infections. It’s never fun to suffer, especially needlessly. We have the tools necessary to help you feel better from day one. 
  • Healthy Teeth. Safeguard your teeth and jaw with healthy, robust, and strong gums. Everything is connected, and your gum’s health impacts your entire mouth. 
  • Preventable Care. As with all infections, they are easier to treat in their early stages. Regular checkups and early periodontal care help prevent the disease from becoming more severe. 


How can I Prevent Gum Disease?

Healthy habits are a great way to start. Brushing twice daily, flossing, and dental checkups are great ways to keep your teeth in apex condition. 


Periodontal Care in San Antonio, Texas

While periodontitis may affect 60% of all Americans ages 30+, it doesn’t have to affect you. Keep your gums safe with regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. If we notice premature gum disease, treating the infection in its early stages is much more effective. Dr. Precious Thompson and our outstanding understand how important your gums are. After all, it serves as a foundation for your speech and smile. 

Schedule an appointment today, and thank yourself tomorrow.

Gum Infection Treatment

Periodontal Care in San Antonio, TX Dr. Precious Thomson. Thousand Oaks Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Pediatric, Family Dentistry. Dentist in San Antonio Texas 78232

At your free consultation, we’ll identify any gum infection related issues, and discuss your treatment options, costs, and can proceed immediately or schedule an appointment with you for future treatment at that time.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal Care in San Antonio, TX Dr. Precious Thomson. Thousand Oaks Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Pediatric, Family Dentistry. Dentist in San Antonio Texas 78232

At your free consultation, we’ll identify any periodontal issues, discuss your concerns and goals, your treatment options, costs, and can proceed immediately or schedule an appointment with you for future treatment at that time.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Care in San Antonio, TX Dr. Precious Thomson. Thousand Oaks Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Pediatric, Family Dentistry. Dentist in San Antonio Texas 78232

Periodontal disease is a chronic infection and is currently the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. Periodontal disease has two stages. The early stage, gingivitis, is reversible and easily treated, the advanced stage, periodontitis, is irreversible, contagious, and difficult to treat.


Periodontal Care in San Antonio, TX Dr. Precious Thomson. Thousand Oaks Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Pediatric, Family Dentistry. Dentist in San Antonio Texas 78232

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums caused by harmful bacteria found on plaque and tartar that are not removed from the teeth. If you have gingivitis, your gums will be swollen, red and bleed easily. Gingivitis is reversible with proper brushing, flossing and regular cleaning by a dental professional.


Periodontal Care in San Antonio, TX Dr. Precious Thomson. Thousand Oaks Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Pediatric, Family Dentistry. Dentist in San Antonio Texas 78232

Periodontitis occurs if gingivitis is not treated and the body’s natural response and bacteria cause deterioration of the connective tissue surrounding the teeth. If the plaque is not removed, the gums will pull away, creating infected pockets, and ultimately loose teeth. The progression of gum disease can be halted and maintained by gum infection treatment and periodic periodontal maintenance procedures that are usually done every three months.

Scaling or Root Planing

Periodontal Care in San Antonio, TX Dr. Precious Thomson. Thousand Oaks Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative, Pediatric, Family Dentistry. Dentist in San Antonio Texas 78232

At your free consultation, we’ll identify whether scaling or root planing can improve your oral health issues, discuss your concerns and goals, your treatment options, costs, and can proceed immediately or schedule an appointment with you for future treatment at that time.